Risk Assesment

Our unique standing in the eco-sphere of business risk assessment in Bangladesh rely on professional approach by delivering quality service with innovative and creative security solutions of international standard .
Our associations and partnership with some of the world best Security Industry leaders like Trojan Securities Inc, USA, Centricity Consulting & Investigation ,Australia, Control Risk Group, India made us automatic the best choice in Bangladesh in security risk assessment and private investigation.

Objective of the Assessment

The objective is to assess the security risk of people, assets and operations of your company , evaluate the risks and vulnerabilities and develop plan to meet the present and future challenges in order to reduce the potential impacts of security incidents.

Scope of the Service

The scopes of the services may be set but not limited to the followings:

  • ISSIT Ltd shall identify the threats and security risks to which the men and material of ‘your company are exposed. We would analyze the trend and pattern of security risks and vulnerabilities, determine the probability of the threat occurring, identify the impact of the threat should it occur, ascertain values for probability and impact, present results of values for probability and impact against values for protection with a methodology to overcome and mitigate the risks.
  • The factories, stores , corporate office and other installations of your company as decided by you within the geographical area of Bangladesh will be covered in the assessment.
  • Major threats like terrorist attacks, hostage taking, political and civil unrest, assault, intimidation, sexual harassment, extortion, misappropriation and fraud, kidnap for ransom, theft, robbery, arson and vandalism, fire incident including other threats discovered during the assessment process will be analyzed.
  • The analysis will be based on the geopolitical scenario, trend of extremist activities in the country and in the region, emergence of criminal groups, change of crime pattern and ‘modus of operandi’ and their impact on your company.
  • ISSIT Ltd will review the existing security management procedures of your company and recommend necessary amendments in line with the findings of security risk assessment.
  • Use of technology and its monitoring by security management will be reviewed in details and state of the art modern technology with monitoring system will be recommended.
  • ISSIT Ltd will review the existing the skill and expertise of human resource ,engaged in security management of your company and recommend necessary remedies to overcome the shortcoming in line with the findings of security risk assessment.
  • We shall asses the awareness level of employees on security and safety issues including fire and earthquake . Emphasis will be laid on the preparedness to face and mitigate the crisis .
  • We shall review the rehearsal of your crisis management , evacuation and safety plans.
  • Measures of improvement of the awareness level of employees , security personnel and all concerned will be recommended. A workshop on the security awareness may be arranged by us in coordination with you.

Our appropriate consultants will physically visit all the locations, installations number of times to have a complete pictures of security arrangements of your assets, employees and installations.

  • One will conduct the threat assessment on your assets, employees and installation and determine their exposure level.
  • One will deal with the physical security management and its procedures.
  • One will assess the exiting security devices, technology in use and integration of those with physical security system.
  • One will assess the general awareness of the employee, the training, skill of the security personnel employed.
The Steps

All the consultants will conduct the survey following the international security standard and using the appropriate approaches (quantitative and qualitative), questionnaire and samples in consultation with your concerned representative. The Steps involved in Risk Assessment are placed below:

Step 1: Finalizing the statement and scopes of work with you .
Step 2: Site visits by consultants.
Step 3: Collecting data through site survey, observations, inspections, interviews, Interaction , surveillance etc.
Step 4: Finding out facts, Probabilities, Criminology etc Identifying the security hazards to Business Risk.
Step 5: Finding out the effective use of the electronic, mechanical security and integration of those to physical security.
Step: 6: Comparing different security systems and measures.
Step 7: Written evaluation, providing reports with workable written recommendations
Step 8: Follow up reports if asked for.(optional)

Security Standards

We shall conduct the assessment following the international security standard and using the appropriate methods (quantitative and qualitative), questionnaires and samples in consultation with your concerned representative. The standard that we would like to follow are :
1. Trojan Securities Inc. USA -TSI ,USA CRM standard
2. International CTPAT Standard for Manufacturing Industries only
3. CTPED standard for all kind of corporate/industry
4. Private Security Law 2006/07- Bangladesh Government
5. KPI Security Policy of Bangladesh Government